Administrative Tasks

This page contains common administrative tasks and how to perform them.

Resetting a Users Password

Typically a user can reset their own password from the login page. In some cases, common during testing, email support via SMTP might not be setup. A user's self-service for password reset requires email support to be enabled. It is possible for a system admin to perform the reset for the user.

Bundled with the deployment is a utility command. This can be accessed from inside the Kubernetes cluster deployment inside the tiledb-cloud-tiledb-cloud-rest pod.

kubectl -n tiledb-cloud exec -it pods/tiledb-cloud-tiledb-cloud-rest-<deployment_id> -c tiledb-cloud-rest -- bash

$ tiledb-cloud-cli utils reset-password <username>

The output will contain a link for reset which can be passed directly to the user to allow them to set a new password.

Reset link:<token>
Please copy and paste in your browser's address bar

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