TileDB Cloud Enterprise

Starting from release of 2.10 or Enterprise Helm Chart it is possible to use configuration values to enable Corporate SSO. Please review the upgrade guide, relevant values in the configuration is displayed also here for convenience:

# This configuration contains the necessary values to enable Single Sign-On (SSO) for 
# Company integration with TileDB Cloud. By configuring these settings, the OpenID 
# Connect (OIDC) component of the TileDB Cloud Rest Server is activated, thereby 
# facilitating SSO both in the TileDB Cloud UI and the backend services. Customize 
# the SSO parameters by replacing the placeholder values listed below with your 
# specific SSO details. Pass these values alongside `values.yaml` to enable SSO
      OIDC: []  # List of SSO OIDC configurations. Replace placeholders with SSO details.
      # Example configuration:
      # - Domain: <SSO_Domain>
      #   OIDCIssuer: <SSO_OIDC_Issuer_URL>
      #   OIDCClientID: <SSO_Client_ID>
      #   OIDCClientSecret: <SSO_Client_Secret>

    EnableCompanySSO: true  # Enable SSO for the TileDB Cloud UI.

Differences to the SaaS version of Corporate SSO

  • Domain verification is not needed

  • Corporate SSO is enabled globally, for all namespaces

Last updated