
Tableau is a leading business intelligence and data visualization tool that allows users to create interactive and insightful visualizations, reports, and dashboards. Together with TileDB, Tableau empowers users to connect, explore, and visualize their data stored in TileDB Cloud, enabling seamless integration of advanced analytics and visualization capabilities into their data workflows.

To connect with Tableau, the TileDB-Cloud JDBC driver requires the use of our custom Tableau Connector. Tableau has a built-in store for connectors, however, this TileDB connector is not currently available for download and needs to be manually placed in the appropriate directory.

To do this, copy the connector directory from the repo (ignoring the LICENSE and README files) to the following location:

  • MacOS ~/Documents/My\ Tableau\ Repository/Connectors

  • Windows C:\Users\[Windows User]\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Connectors

Step 2:

In addition to the connector placement, ensure that you have also placed the TileDB-Cloud JDBC driver (.jar file) in the appropriate directory. If the directory doesn't already exist, create it.

  • MacOS ~/Library/Tableau/Drivers

  • Windows C:\Program Files\Tableau\Drivers

Step 3:

To launch Tableau, use the following commands:

  • MacOS /Applications/Tableau\ Desktop\ [version].app/Contents/MacOS/Tableau -DConnectPluginsPath=/Users/<USER>/Documents/My\ Tableau\ Repository/Connectors

  • Windows tableau.exe -DConnectPluginsPath=C:\Users\[Windows User]\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Connectors

Step 4:

Once Tableau launches, choose TileDB-Cloud JDBC, by TileDB from the left sidebar and enter your credentials to login.

Step 5:

Once you login choose All TileDB arrays from the dropdown menu on the top left corner and you will be able to see all your owned and shared arrays. You can also add an array you have access to by using the Custom SQL Query option.

Last updated