Share Notebooks

This page is currently under development and will be updated soon.

You can share a registered notebook with any other user on TileDB Cloud. To share a notebook, find it on Assets -> Notebooks and either click on the sharing button located on the right end of the notebook card in the list, or click on the notebook card and navigate to the Sharing tab. The added member will appear in the notebook members list, where you will be able to change the access policy or revoke access from the user. Users get notified by email when someone shares a notebook with them.

When sharing a notebook with other users, you do not get charged when those users run the notebook. You only get charged when you run notebooks.

When sharing with a member, TileDB Cloud uses auto-complete to facilitate finding a username you are looking for. Similar to GitHub/GitLab, the usernames are considered public information (in contrast to full names and emails that are protected). Please email us at if you wish your username to be excluded from auto-complete.

Note that the notebook URL when you are viewing its Overview is shareable, and another user can view it on their browser if they have access to it. URLs of public notebooks can be viewed by users, even if they are not logged in.

Last updated