
The TileDB GDAL driver enables indexed and efficient access to integral and partial tiles of geospatial data. The Python community typically use the Rasterio library to access GDAL drivers. Here we show how to ingest large raster data into TileDB in parallel using GDAL, Rasterio, xarray and Dask.

To highlight how TileDB works with large dense arrays we will use a dataset from the Sentinel-2 mission. You can either register and download a sample yourself from the Copernicus hub or use the requestor pays bucket from the AWS open data program, the latter being preferable if you wish to run your code on AWS using public data. The directory size of the Sentinel-2 image we are using is 788 MB.


You can run the Rasterio code as follows:

docker run -it --rm -u 0 -v /local/path:/data tiledb/tiledb-geospatial /bin/bash

To verify that the Sentinel-2 dataset can be read by our installation of Rasterio,run the following (changing the filename):

rio info --subdatasets S2A_MSIL1C_20190829T163901_N0208_R126_T16TDM_20190829T201831.SAFE/MTD_MSIL1C.xml

Rasterio should successfully print out the metadata about the subdatasets within the the Sentinel-2 dataset as follows:



To ingest the Sentinel-2 data into TileDB with Rasterio, run:

rio convert -f TileDB --co BLOCKXSIZE=1024 --co BLOCKYSIZE=1024 SENTINEL2_L1C:S2A_MSIL1C_20190829T163901_N0208_R126_T16TDM_20190829T201831.SAFE/MTD_MSIL1C.xml:10m:EPSG_32616 single.tiledb

A faster way to ingest large raster data into TileDB and take advantage of TileDB's parallel writes is by using Dask. Below we provide a detailed example on how to do this:

import math
import os
import sys

import dask
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
import numpy as np

import rasterio
from rasterio.transform import Affine
import tiledb
import xarray as xr
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

pbar = ProgressBar()

def translate(_input, output):
    with rasterio.open(_input) as src:
        profile = src.profile
        trans = Affine.to_gdal(src.transform)
        dt = np.dtype(src.dtypes[0])  # read first band data type

    # no support for to_rasterio in xarray so we are going to write the metadata file  # noqa
    profile['driver'] = 'TileDB'
    tile_x_size = 1024
    tile_y_size = 1024
    w = profile['width']
    h = profile['height']
    nBlocksX = math.ceil(w / (tile_x_size * 1.0))
    nBlocksY = math.ceil(h / (tile_y_size * 1.0))

    arr = xr.open_rasterio(_input,
                           chunks={'x': tile_x_size, 'y': tile_y_size})

    # # create output TileDB dataset
    dom = tiledb.Domain(
            tiledb.Dim(name='BANDS', domain=(0, profile['count'] - 1),
            tiledb.Dim(name='Y', domain=(0, (nBlocksY * tile_y_size) - 1),
                       tile=tile_y_size, dtype=np.uint64),
            tiledb.Dim(name='X', domain=(0, (nBlocksX * tile_x_size) - 1),
                       tile=tile_x_size, dtype=np.uint64))

    schema = tiledb.ArraySchema(domain=dom, sparse=False,

    tiledb.DenseArray.create(output, schema)

    with dask.config.set(scheduler='processes'):
        with tiledb.DenseArray(output, 'w') as arr_output:

    # add minimal metadata to read the file
    vfs = tiledb.VFS()
    meta = f"{output}/{os.path.basename(output)}.tdb.aux.xml"
        f = vfs.open(meta, 'w')
        root = ET.Element('PAMDataset')
        geo = ET.SubElement(root, 'GeoTransform')
        geo.text = ', '.join(map(str, trans))
        meta = ET.SubElement(root, 'Metadata')
        meta.set('domain', 'IMAGE_STRUCTURE')
        xsize = ET.SubElement(meta, 'MDI')
        xsize.set('key', 'X_SIZE')
        xsize.text = str(w)
        ysize = ET.SubElement(meta, 'MDI')
        ysize.set('key', 'Y_SIZE')
        ysize.text = str(h)
        dtype = ET.SubElement(meta, 'MDI')
        dtype.set('key', 'DATA_TYPE')
        dtype.text =  profile['dtype']       
        vfs.write(f, ET.tostring(root))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    translate(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])

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