Installation From Source

Currently, the TileDB-Ī¤rino connector is built as a plugin. It must be packaged and installed on the Trino instances. You can download the latest release or build the connector from source using the following command from the top level directory of the TileDB-Trino repo.

./mvnw package

# Tests can be skipped as follows
./mvnw package -DskipTests

Installation on a Trino instance

First clone Trino

git clone

Install Trino

./mvnw clean install -DskipTests

Create a TileDB directory

mkdir trino/core/trino-server/target/trino-server-***-SNAPSHOT/plugin/tiledb

Build and copy the TileDB-Trino jars to the TileDB directory

cp TileDB-Trino/target/*.jar trino/core/trino-server/target/trino-server-***-SNAPSHOT/plugin/tiledb

Create two nested directories "etc/catalog" which include the file and move them to:


Launch the Trino Server

trino/core/trino-server/target/trino-server-***-SNAPSHOT/bin/launcher run

Launch the Trino-CLI with the TileDB plugin

./trino/client/trino-cli/target/trino-cli-***-SNAPSHOT-executable.jar --schema tiledb --catalog tiledb

Last updated

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