

This is the main Python module.


Representation of the grouped TileDB arrays that constitute a TileDB-VCF dataset, which includes a sparse 3D array containing the actual variant data and a sparse 1D array containing various sample metadata and the VCF header lines. Read more about the data model here.

Dataset(self, uri, mode='r', cfg=None, stats=False, verbose=False)


  • uri: URI of TileDB-VCF dataset

  • mode: (default 'r') Open the array object in read 'r' or write 'w' mode

  • cfg: TileDB-VCF configuration (optional)

  • stats: (bool) Enable of disable TileDB stats

  • verbose: (bool) Enable of disable TileDB-VCF verbose output


Create a new TileDB-VCF dataset.

create_dataset(extra_attrs=None, tile_capacity=None, anchor_gap=None, checksum_type=None, allow_duplicates=True)


  • extra_attrs: (list of str attrs) list of extra attributes to materialize from the FMT or INFO field. Names should be fmt_X or info_X for a field name X (case sensitive).

  • tile_capacity: (int) Tile capacity to use for the array schema (default 10000)

  • anchor_gap: (int) Length of gaps between inserted anchor records in bases (default = 1000)

  • checksum_type: (str checksum) Optional override checksum type for creating new dataset (valid values are 'sha256', 'md5' or None)

  • allow_duplicates: (bool) Controls whether records with duplicate end positions can be ingested written to the dataset


Ingest samples into an existing TileDB-VCF dataset.

ingest_samples(sample_uris=None, threads=None, thread_task_size=None, memory_budget_mb=None, scratch_space_path=None, scratch_space_size=None, record_limit=None, sample_batch_size=None)


  • sample_uris: (list of str samples) CSV list of VCF/BCF sample URIs to ingest

  • threads: (int) Set the number of threads used for ingestion

  • thread_task_size: (int) Set the max length (# columns) of an ingestion task (affects load balancing of ingestion work across threads and total memory consumption)

  • memory_budget_mb: (int) Set the max size (MB) of TileDB buffers before flushing (default 1024)

  • record_limit

  • str scratch_space_path: (str) Directory used for local storage of downloaded remote samples

  • scratch_space_size: (int) Amount of local storage that can be used for downloading remote samples (MB)

  • sample_batch_size: (int) Number of samples per batch for ingestion (default 10)

  • record_limit: Limit the number of VCF records read into memory per file (default 50000)

  • resume: (bool) Whether to check and attempt to resume a partial completed ingestion

read() / read_arrow()

Reads data from a TileDB-VCF dataset into a Pandas Dataframe (with read()) or a PyArrow Array (with read_arrow()).

read(attrs, samples=None, regions=None, samples_file=None, bed_file=None, skip_check_samples=False)


  • attrs: (list of str attrs) List of attributes to extract. Can include attributes from the VCF INFO and FORMAT fields (prefixed with info_ and fmt_, respectively) as well as any of the builtin attributes:

    • sample_name

    • id

    • contig

    • alleles

    • filters

    • pos_start

    • pos_end

    • qual

    • query_bed_end

    • query_bed_start

    • query_bed_line

  • samples: (list of str samples) CSV list of sample names to be read

  • regions: (list of str regions) CSV list of genomic regions to be read

  • samples_file: (str filesystem location) URI of file containing sample names to be read, one per line

  • bed_file: (str filesystem location) URI of a BED file of genomic regions to be read

  • skip_check_samples: (bool) Should checking the samples requested exist in the array

  • disable_progress_estimation: (bool) Should we skip estimating the progress in verbose mode? Estimating progress can have performance or memory impacts in some cases.


For large datasets, a call to read() may not be able to fit all results in memory. In that case, the returned dataframe will contain as many results as possible, and in order to retrieve the rest of the results, use the continue_read() function.

You can also use the Python generator version, read_iter().

Returns: Pandas DataFrame containing results.




A read is considered complete if the resulting dataframe contained all results.

Returns: (bool) True if the previous read operation was complete


Counts data in a TileDB-VCF dataset.

count(samples=None, regions=None)


  • samples: (list of str samples) CSV list of sample names to include in the count

  • regions: (list of str regions) CSV list of genomic regions to include in the count


Returns: Number of intersecting records in the dataset


List queryable attributes available in the VCF dataset

attributes(attr_type = "all")


  • attr_type: (list of str attributes) The subset of attributes to retrieve; "info" or "fmt" will only retrieve attributes ingested from the VCF INFO and FORMAT fields, respectively, "builtin" retrieves the static attributes defined in TileDB-VCF's schema, "all" (the default) returns all queryable attributes


Returns: a list of strings representing the attribute names


Set various configuration parameters.

ReadConfig(limit, region_partition, sample_partition, sort_regions, memory_budget_mb, tiledb_config)


  • limit: max number of records (rows) to read

  • region_partition: Region partition tuple (idx, num_partitions)

  • sample_partition: Samples partition tuple (idx, num_partitions)

  • sort_regions: Whether or not to sort the regions to be read (default True)

  • memory_budget_mb: Memory budget (MB) for buffer and internal allocations (default 2048)

  • buffer_percentage: Percentage of memory to dedicate to TileDB Query Buffers (default: 25)

  • tiledb_tile_cache_percentage: Percentage of memory to dedicate to TileDB Tile Cache (default: 10)

  • tiledb_config: List of strings in the format "option=value" (see here for full list TileDB configuration parameters)


This module is for the TileDB-VCF integration with Dask.


Reads data from a TileDB-VCF dataset into a Dask DataFrame.

read_dask(attrs, region_partitions=1, sample_partitions=1, samples=None, regions=None, samples_file=None, bed_file=None)


  • attrs: (list of str attrs) List of attribute names to be read

  • region_partitions (int partitions) Number of partitions over regions

  • sample_partitions (int partitions) Number of partitions over samples

  • samples: (list of str samples) CSV list of sample names to be read

  • regions: (list of str regions) CSV list of genomic regions to be read

  • samples_file: (str filesystem location) URI of file containing sample names to be read, one per line

  • bed_file: (str filesystem location) URI of a BED file of genomic regions to be read


Partitioning proceeds by a straightforward block distribution, parameterized by the total number of partitions and the particular partition index that a particular read operation is responsible for.

Both region and sample partitioning can be used together.

Returns: Dask DataFrame with results


Maps a function on a Dask DataFrame obtained by reading from the dataset.

map_dask(fnc, attrs, region_partitions=1, sample_partitions=1, samples=None, regions=None, samples_file=None, bed_file=None)


  • fnc: (function) Function applied to each partition

  • attrs: (list of str attrs) List of attribute names to be read

  • region_partitions (int partitions) Number of partitions over regions

  • sample_partitions (int partitions) Number of partitions over samples

  • samples: (list of str samples) CSV list of sample names to be read

  • regions: (list of str regions) CSV list of genomic regions to be read

  • samples_file: (str filesystem location) URI of file containing sample names to be read, one per line

  • bed_file: (str filesystem location) URI of a BED file of genomic regions to be read


May be more efficient in some cases than read_dask() followed by a regular Dask map operation.

Returns: Dask DataFrame with results

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