After creating the array schema, the array can be created as follows:
C C++ Python R Java Go C#
Copy #include <tiledb/tiledb.h>
// ... create context ctx
// ... create array schema
// Create the array
tiledb_array_create(ctx, "<array_uri>", schema);
Copy #include <tiledb/tiledb>
using namespace tiledb;
// ... create array schema
// Create the array
Array::create("<array_uri>", schema);
Copy import tiledb
import numpy as np
# ... create array schema
# Create array
tiledb . Array . create ( "<array_uri>" , schema)
Copy # ... create array schema
# Create the array
tiledb_array_create( "<array_uri>" , schema )
Copy // ... create array schema
// Create the array
Array . create ( "<array_uri>" , schema);
Copy // ... create array schema
// Create the array
array := tiledb. NewArray (ctx, "<array_uri>" )
array. Create (schema)
Copy using TileDB . CSharp ;
// ... create context ctx
// ... create array schema
// Create the array
Array .Create(ctx , "<array_uri>" , schema);
This will materialize the array directory and related files (e.g., the array schema) to persistent storage. Depending on the array URI, this can be on your local disk, on a distributed filesystem such as Lustre or HDFS, on AWS S3, etc.