MinIO is a lightweight S3-compliant object-store. Although it has many nice features, here we focus only on local deployment, which is very useful if you wish to quickly test your TileDB-S3 programs locally. See the MinIO quickstart guide for installation instructions. Here is what we do to run MinIO on port 9999:

$ mkdir -p /tmp/minio-data
$ docker run -e MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio -e MINIO_SECRET_KEY=miniosecretkey \
      -d -p 9999:9000 minio/minio server /tmp/minio-data
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minio
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=miniosecretkey

Once you get MinIO server running, you need to set the S3 configurations as follows (below, <port> stands for the port on which you are running the MinIO server, equal to 9999 if you run the MinIO docker as shown above):











The Configuration page explains in detail how to set configuration parameters in TileDB. Below is a quick example for the minio specific parameters.

// Create a configuration object
tiledb_config_t *config;
tiledb_config_alloc(&config, NULL);

// Set configuration parameters
tiledb_config_set(config, "vfs.s3.scheme", "http", &error);
tiledb_config_set(config, "vfs.s3.region", "", &error);
tiledb_config_set(config, "vfs.s3.endpoint_override", "<minio address>", &error);
tiledb_config_set(config, "vfs.s3.use_virtual_addressing", "false", &error);

// Create contex
tiledb_ctx_t* ctx;
tiledb_ctx_alloc(&config, &ctx);

// Pass CTX to read/write of array

// Clean up

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