
Table of contents


TileDB provides a set of tools for working with multi-resolution whole-slide microscopy images.

  • TileDB Cloud BioImaging: integrated viewer, data management, access control, and computation for bioimaging datasets.

    • Includes support for fast batch ingestion of large image sets from AWS S3 or any supported storage system using TileDB Task Graphs.

  • TileDB-BioImg: Python package for ingesting images to TileDB image arrays.

    • Includes support for chunked ingestion of larger-than-memory images.

    • OpenSlide Python API: this package additionally provides an OpenSlide Python-compatible API which may be used with image-groups stored using any TileDB backend.

  • napari-tiledb-bioimg: Napari Plugin for loading TileDB BioImage arrays, supporting visualization of pyramidal images and analysis using Napari tools and plugins.


To get started with TileDB bioimaging, install the tiledb-bioimg package from the Python Package Index:

pip install tiledb-bioimg[full]

To use tiledb-bioimg in a Python program, import the converters from the tiledb.bioimg namespace:

# Python
from tiledb.bioimg.converters.ome_tiff import OMETiffConverter
from tiledb.bioimg.converters.openslide import OpenSlideConverter

Each converter provides a to_tiledb function taking a source path and storage destination for the converted TileDB multi-resolution image group. For example:

OMETiffConverter.to_tiledb(src, dest, level_min=0)
OpenSlideConverter(src, dest, level_min=0)

Large-scale Ingestion

Batched Ingestion using TileDB Cloud

Check out the demo notebook on TileDB Cloud.

TileDB Cloud includes utilities for large-scale ingestion from images stored in an AWS S3 bucket or other supported object store.

First, install the TileDB-Cloud-Py package, and :

pip install tiledb-cloud

Next, use the function:

# `images` will be converted in bulk using
# `dest` as the base output path.

Chunked Ingestion for very large images

Check out the demo notebook on TileDB Cloud.

Reading Image Data

Image data may be read with either the OpenSlide Python-compatible API, or using the TileDB-Py API directly.

OpenSlide Python API

from tiledb.bioimg.openslide import TileDBOpenSlide

# Construct OpenSlide API wrapper
img = TileDBOpenSlide(tiledb_image_path)

# Read image data at `level`
#   from starting `(x0,y0)` location to
#   `(x + size_x, y + size_y)`
# Returns NumPy array
data = img.read_level((x0, y0), level, (size_x, size_y))

See the TileDBOpenSlide OpenSlide Python API documentation for all available commands on the


TileDB Cloud

Please get in touch if you are interested in a demo! Public preview coming soon.


The napari-tiledb-bioimg plugin provides support for opening TileDB bioimage-arrays in the Napari visualization and analysis platform. (see the [demo video] on the repository README).

Install via the Napari plugin manager by searching for "TileDB", or install with pip inside of a Napari Python environment:

pip install napari-tiledb-bioimg

Something else?

Please get in touch if you are interested working with TileDB BioImages in other visualization software, or specific analysis tools.

Storage Format

TileDB-BioImg stores multi-resolution images as a group of arrays, with one dense array per resolution level. For example, given an input TIFF file with three resolution layer pages:


The following directory structure will be created:

Image.tdb      # TileDB Group
  |- l_0.tdb   # TileDB Array, 17068x19918
  |- l_1.tdb   # TileDB Array, 4266x4978
  |- l_2.tdb   # TileDB Array, 2132x2488

Image-level metadata is stored as TileDB Group metadata, and individual level metadata is stored with resolution-level array.


Export to OME Formats

The TileDB BioImg library provides a utility function to export a TileDB BioImage to several OME formats.

# Export TileDB BioImg to an OME-TIFF file
OMETiffConverter.from_tiledb(tiledb_img_path, output_path)

# Export TileDB BioImg to an OME-Zarr directory
OMEZarrConverter.from_tiledb(tiledb_img_path, output_path)

Last updated

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