Perform Distributed Queries with Dask

The tiledbvcf Python package includes integration with Dask to enable distributing large queries across node clusters.

Dask DataFrames

You can use the tiledbvcf package's Dask integration to partition read operations across regions and samples. The partitioning semantics are identical to those used by the CLI and Spark.

import tiledbvcf
import dask

ds = tiledbvcf.Dataset('my-large-dataset', mode='r')
dask_df = ds.read_dask(attrs=['sample_name', 'pos_start', 'pos_end'],

The result is a Dask dataframe (rather than a Pandas dataframe). We're using a local machine for simplicity but the API works on any Dask cluster.

Map Operations

If you plan to perform filter the results in a Dask dataframe, it may be more efficient to use map_dask() rather than read_dask(). The map_dask() function takes an additional parameter, fnc, allowing you to provide a filtering function that is applied immediately after performing the read but before inserting the result of the partition into the Dask dataframe.

In the following example, any variants overlapping regions in very-large-bedfile.bed are filtered out if their start position overlaps the first 25kb of the chromosome.

import tiledbvcf

ds = tiledbvcf.TileDBVCFDataset('my-large-dataset', mode='r')
dask_df = ds.map_dask(lambda df: df[df.pos_start < 25000],
                      attrs=['sample_name', 'pos_start', 'pos_end'],

This approach can be more efficient than using read_dask() with a separate filtering step because it avoids the possibility that partitions require multiple read operations due to memory constraints.

The pseudocode describing the read_partition() algorithm (i.e., the code responsible for reading the partition on a Dask worker) is:

ds = tiledbvcf.Dataset(uri, mode='r')
overall_df =, samples, regions, ...)
while not ds.read_completed():
    df = ds.continue_read()
    overall_df = overall_df.append(df)

When using map_dask() instead, the pseudocode becomes:

ds = tiledbvcf.Dataset(uri, mode='r')
overall_df = filter_fnc(, samples, regions, ...))
while not ds.read_completed():
    df = filter_fnc(ds.continue_read())
    overall_df = overall_df.append(df)

You can see that if the provided filter_fnc() reduces the size of the data substantially, using map_dask() can reduce the likelihood that the Dask workers will run out of memory and avoid needing to perform multiple reads.

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